29 Jun 2016

Apa Itu Yang Dimaksud dengan Drone?

Apa Itu Yang Dimaksud Dengan Drone ?

Drone atau pesawat udara tanpa awak (PTTA) adalah sebuah mesin terbang yang berfungsi dengan kendali jarak jauh oleh penerbang / pilot atau mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri (autonomous) dengan menggunakan hukum aerodinamika.(sumber: Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor PM 180 Tahun 2015, dengan penambahan kata)

Drone (PTTA) hasil pengembangan
Balitbang Kemhan dan BPPT
Drone sering juga disebut dengan UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) atau dalam bahasa indonesianya “pesawat udara tanpa awak”. Drone pada awalnya banyak digunakan untuk kepentingan dalam dunia militer. Namun, seiring berkembangnya zaman serta teknologi saat ini drone sudah digunakan untuk kepentingan sipil. Contohnya saja seperti yang kita lihat melalui TV,yakni berita pantauan udara saat mudik, pencarian korban bencana alam di daerah yang sukar dilewati tim penyelamat, dan lain-lain.

Drone dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu : multi-copter dan fixed-wing. Secara umum, fixed-wing adalah drone yang memiliki bentuk meyerupai pesawat (badan dan sayap aerodinamis). Sedangkan multi-copter adalah drone ‘seperti’ helikopter yang terbang dengan bertumpu pada daya angkat propeller / baling-baling.

Contoh Model "Fixed Wing"

Multi-copter terbagi menjadi dua macam, single-rotor dan multi-rotor. Drone dengan single-rotor hanya memiliki propeller / balig-baling tunggal (single). Drone multi-copter memiliki propeller lebih dari satu, empat propeller (quadcopter), 6 propeller (hexacopter),dan 8 propeller (octocopter).

Saat ini, drone juga digunakan sebagai hobi maupun fotografi. Diantara kelebihannya (dalam dunia fotografi) adalah dapat mengambil foto / video dari angle (sudut pandang) yang berbeda dan menarik, tapi tergantung pilot yang mengendalikan juga sih.

Menerbangkan drone tidak bisa dibilang sulit maupun mudah, dengan kata lain gampang-gampang susah lah :-D . Perlu banyak latihan praktek agar dapat menerbangkan dengan baik dan benar serta smooth, salah-salah bisa nubruk orang atau nyasar ke atap orang.

Selain itu, menerbangkan drone juga ada aturan pemerintahnya juga lho. Tujuannya dibuat peraturan tersebut tentu saja untuk menghindari hazard (bahaya) atau efek penggunaan drone jdih.dephub.go.id/assets/uudocs/permen/2015/PM_180_Tahun_2015.pdf . Ngeri juga kan kalo tiba-tiba aja ada drone yang 'mendarat' di kepala kita. :-D

27 Jun 2016

Tips dan Cara Cara Efektif Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Asing


Beberapa orang berpendapat bahwasanya belajar bahasa asing tidak penting. Namun, menurut orang lain, bisa jadi belajar bahasa asing adalah hal yang penting, bahkan wajib. Setiap orang punya pendapatnya masing-masing, bukankah begitu?

Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dan pengalaman teman-teman ane, terdapat beberapa steps / tips untuk belajar bahasa asing secara efektif dan ‘melekat’ di kepala. Berikut cara-caranya :

1.Mempunyai keinginan dan kemauan yang kuat untuk belajar bahasa asing. Dengan kata lain, harus memiliki motivasi yang kuat. What you believe, you can achieve.

2.Perbanyak kosakata. Kosakata merupakan bagian yang tak dapat dipisahkan ketika hendak mempelajari bahasa asing. Banyak cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menghafal kosakata, mulailah dari benda disekitar agan (kayak kursi, tembok, kasur, dll).

3.Tulis kosakata-kosakata tersebut pada sebuah buku atau note khusus kosakata. Menggunakan aplikasi notepad pada gadget juga bisa. Hal ini dapat memudahkan agan ketika hendak me-review atau cek ulang hafalan kosakata yang telah dihafal.

4.Bawalah selalu buku atau note khusus kosakata agan (dan alat tulis) kemanapun agan pergi. Catatlah kosakata baru yang nggak agan mengerti/ pahami pada halaman khusus buku atau gadget kemudian carilah arti dari kosakata tersebut di kamus. (Untuk hal ini sih ane sih pake kamus ukuran standart, karena lebih akurat dan lebih mudah dipahami dibandingkan dengan kamus kecil yang tidak standart). Dengan cara seperti ini, agan dapat membaca serta menghafal kosakata asing baru beserta artinya –juga contoh kalimat-  dengan cepat & mudah kapanpun dan dimanapun (kan gadget/ buku tulisnya dibawa kemanapun).

5.Pahami dan hafalkan minimal 5 kosakata setiap hari. Lebih bagusnya disertai dengan contoh kalimat gan. Soalnya, kadang satu kata itu punya rti yang berbeda jika dihubungkan dengan kata lain.

6.Tulis dan tempelkan kosakata baru agan di tempat yang gampang keliatan. Seperti di meja belajar atau di depan pintu lemari pakaian. Jadi, agan bisa ‘memaksa’ diri agan agar hafal. Jangan lupa untuk mengganti kosakata yang lama dengan kosakata yang baru setiap harinya (biar makin banyak kosakata yang dihafal).

7.Praktek percakapan (conversation). Kemampuan berbahasa asing agan bisa lebih cepat meningkat jika disertai dengan praktek ngobrol dg bahasa asing, apalagi kalo lawan bicaranya penutur asli (native speaker).

8.Berilah label atau nama setiap barang/ benda agan dalam bahasa asing. Sebagai contoh, tempelkan stiker atau kertas yang agan tulisi "book// كِتاَبٌ" pada buku-buku agan. Tiap kali agan ngelihat buku agan kan jadi teringat terus kosakatanya :-D

9.Latihan membaca tulisan, berita atau artikel dalam bahasa asing. Biar agan ngerti tata bahasa asing yang agan pelajari. Contohnya aja kayak mbaca koran berbahasa inggris www.thejakartapost.com

10.Tetap semangat belajar. Rasa putus asa, males, maupun risih pasti pernah menghampiri orang yang belajar bahasa asing. Penulis aja sering ngerasain kayak gitu. Tapi jangan biarkan hal itu menghalangi agan untuk mempelajari bahasa asing. Mempelajari bahasa asing nggak rugi kok, malahan banyak untungnya.

Demikian tips-tips dan cara-cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa asing. Yang ane posting disini mungkin nggak efektif (atau bahkan don’t work well) bagi sebagian dari agan yang sedang membaca postingan ini.

Setiap orang punya caranya masing-masing dalam belajar, ane hanya berbagi pengalaman ane aja dalam hal “belajar bahasa asing”.

Agan bisa menguasai bahasa asing kalo agan percaya bahwa diri agan bisa. Tingkat kemauan dan motivasi agan sangat mempengaruhi kecepatan serta hasil study agan dalam penguasaan bahasa asing.

がんばってください !!

12 Mar 2016





Norton Security is more of a mini-security suite than an ordinary antivirus tool, combining antivirus, firewall, browsing protection, a password manager, identity theft and online browsing protection, and more.


Assessing its reliability isn't easy because the package isn't extensively tested by the major labs, but AV-Test has recently given it a maximum score for protection, and our own smaller scale checks typically show good results.

One of Norton's strongest areas is in preventing you getting infected in the first place. An excellent URL blocker does a good job of keeping you away from malicious websites, and the program won't allow you to run files it doesn't trust. This can be infuriating if you're always downloading and trying out the latest freeware, as it'll always be raising alerts, but if you're trying to protect a largely stable system – your kids' school laptop, say – then it can be very effective.

If, somehow, you get infected anyway, the company offers unlimited phone or online access to a Norton technician, and if they can't help you remove the infection then the company's "100% virus protection promise" means you'll get your money back. That won't help much if the malware has caused a lot of damage, but it's still good to know there's support available if you need it.

For pure protection we'd still prefer something like Bitdefender or Kaspersky, but Norton Security's file blocking abilities and ample feature set could make it a good choice for some.

Norton Security 3.0 (version 2016) costs only £24 at Amazon for the 5-device, 1-year subscription. For an extra £18, you can double the number of devices supported and you also get 25GB of online backup bundled with a 100% refund assurance.


In a world packed with free security software, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2015's annual £29.95 may look eye-wateringly expensive. And that's because it is, but don't move on just yet: you get a lot for your money.

Bitdefender's engine is one of the most accurate and reliable around, for instance, and loved by all the big independent testers: AV-Comparatives, AV-Test and Virus Bulletin.

An excellent antiphishing module alerts you to malicious links in your search engine results, and blocks access to dangerous sites.

Some very worthwhile extras include a secure browser to keep your financial transactions safe, and a password manager which can also auto-complete credit card details in web forms.

There are a few less impressive areas – an average vulnerability scanner, basic PC tune-up tools – but Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2015 is still a likeable package which offers great detection rates, minimum false positives, and more than enough bonus features to justify its premium price.

The just-released Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 is available from Amazon for as little as £11 including delivery. Note that this is the one-year, three-user edition and is the boxed version. Alternatively, you can purchase the Total Security 2016 edition for £11.99. It adds a firewall, parental control, antispam, file encryption and much more!

source : www.google.com


Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2015 is a very thorough security package which offers multiple layers of protection to keep you safe from harm. Cloud-based technologies warn you about dangerous links or downloads, while an accurate antivirus engine detects and removes known threats as they appear. And if anything does manage to bypass your defences, Kaspersky's System Watcher detects dubious behaviour and can reverse many malicious actions.


A "set and forget" design means this is all very easy to manage. Anti-Virus 2015 can handle most situations all on its own, but if you do need to take charge then the clean and clear interface keeps any hassles to a minimum.

We've found Kaspersky products to be exceptionally accurate in recent years, and the independent testing labs mostly say the same. AV-Test has been awarding them maximum marks recently, AV-Comparatives something similar, and only Virus Bulletin seems to be a little less impressed.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2015 still has plenty of competition. Bitdefender offers very similar protection, and more features, for around the same price; Panda and Avira will keep you just about as safe for nothing at all. But it remains an impressive package, and on balance we think Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2015 is well worth its asking price.

For a better, rounded protection, Kaspersky also has the brand new, 2016 edition, Total Security Multi Device product which covers three devices (PC, Android and Mac) for a full year. At £30.27, from Amazon, it offers privacy protection, secure storage and synchronization of your passwords and files as well.


At first glance, Avira Free Antivirus doesn't look like the best security choice. The interface is dated and relatively complex, there's a distinct shortage of extras, and even basic web protection requires installing a separate browser add-on.

The package scores where it matters, though, with all the big testing labs – AV-Comparatives, AV-Test and Virus Bulletin – giving it stellar ratings, comparable to Bitdefender and Kaspersky.

source : www.google.com

Avira Free is easier to use than it looks, too. The program can take care of most threats all on its own, and if you do need any assistance then a capable local help file explains everything you need to know.

There are also a few small bonus features thrown in. By default the program blocks autorun, reducing the risk from infected USB keys, while Windows hosts file protection keeps you safe from malicious redirects (both options may be disabled if they get in your way).

If you're looking to avoid the annual subscription then we'd also consider Panda for its great web filtering, but for pure desktop protection Avira Free Antivirus is hard to beat.

While Avira free antivirus does the job, its bigger brother, the Ultimate Edition Suite 2015, might be a better bet with support for up to three devices for three years. You also get Laptlink PCMover Express, DriveLock Private, SuperEasy Driver Updater and Avira Antivirus Pro for Android thrown in for a grand total of £39.90 at Amazon.

source : http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/best-antivirus-10-programs-on-test-924608   -with some change-

6 Mar 2016

What Is Monbukagakusho, monbusho?

Monbukagakusho (Monbusho)

Monbukagakusho is one of kind scholarship from Japanese government. Monbukagakusho offered by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, sport, science and technology-Japan) and lot of people want to be grantee of it. It has lot of benefit offered. For you who have desire and intention to continue study in Japan, you perhaps must try this scholarship.

According to Ina Liem, CEO of jurusanku.com, for those who wish to submit scholarship application are expected to pay attention to the final time of application collecting . "Enrollment duration is very short, only two or three weeks" Ina explains.

The registration only once in a year and usually hold on early may for diploma degree and undergraduate. And in march for postgraduate student and doctorate degree. "The interesting thing is no commitment to work for the government after graduation" Said Ina.

The registration requirement for graduate student and postgraduate student is making a research proposal, seek appropriate professor for guiding the research and send the research proposal directly to the desired university.

Diploma program (D3) or called by “Koto Senmon Gakkou” attracts Japanese and foreigner student, because the program gives more practice and proficiency than another University's program.

For senior high-school graduate that study on diploma program would placed work in third year.

Do you interested?

Source : Beasiswa jepang (facebook group),
translated, with some changes.

29 Feb 2016

How to Improve Our Language Proficiency

How to Improve Our Language Proficiency

Some people judged that learning foreign language is not too important. But according to other people, its very important because it brings a plenty of benefit. Everyone has their opinion respectively, isn't it?

According to my experience, here are some tips to learn a language effectively:

  1.  Have a great desire to learn and study. In other words, you must have a strong motivation.
  2. Start from the smallest thing. For example, look up the meanings of  goods  or things around you (such as table, chair, etc.).
  3. Write your new vocabularies in a book or a pocket notebook.
  4. Take your own pocket notebook specialized for vocabulary and a pen. Write down  new  words  that you don't understand on the last page of the pocket notebook then look  up the meanings of those vocabularies (I, myself, use standard-size dictionary for this purpose, because it is easier to understand). In this way, you will be able to read and memorize the new vocabulary rapidly and easily at anytime and wherever  you are.
  5. Try to learn at less 3 vocabularies everyday and seek for their  explanations (as written in dictionary) on your "most-viewed" place (like your desk or in front of your wardrobe). Understand and memorize them. Don't forget to replace the old vocabulary with newest vocabulary everyday.
  6. Ask someone to be a partner to practice conversations in a foreign language you are learning. Remember that that you have to practice your communication skills regularly.
  7. Label  or name everything in the foreign language you are studying. For example, stick a paper that is written "buku/book/hon" on your own book. It will make you easy to see and read it each time you want to  use (or take) that book.
  8. Do reading-comprehension every time you able to do it (example :  on the train).
  9. Keep motivated. You also can write the motivation word in the easiest place to look at..
  10. Take it easy...

The above trips are based on my friend’s  and my own experience. Perhaps, for these suggestions do not work well or ineffective for anyone. Of course, you may set your own ways of learning techniques or strategies. No one is perfect.

You can master a language if you think you can. The level of motivation you have I your mind will affect the speed and the result of your study.

Apa Itu Yang Dimaksud dengan Drone?

Apa Itu Yang Dimaksud Dengan Drone ? Drone atau pesawat udara tanpa awak (PTTA) adalah sebuah mesin terbang yang berfungsi dengan kend...